Considering the fact that we Indians are usually attracted towards the appearances,the looks and the lifestyle,to make others likes us,admire and probably love us,we often forget to actually love ourselves more than anyone else does. To be on trending trend,we as a person always try to keep ourselves updated with the latest brand,this shoes that watch tough physique and much more.

Amid this fictitious competition,we often forget those minor things that are essential for us to keep us healthy for a really long time. We try to keep our body healthy by having these hardcore exercises,breathless jogs and tough gym sessions,but is this enough to keep us healthy ? While talking about physique,does only the appearance should be the one which must be focused always ?

From my past experiences,absolutely not. We must not forget that our skin is also one of the major part which contributes in looking attractive physically.The more we use fancy products and fabrics to look charming,the more unjust we become to our skin.The chemicals mixed in those branded fabrics attracts us way too much that unknowingly,we keep on harming our skin. I have been using fabrics of many trending brands (I would not like to disclose the names) which make me look smarter than ever but then they leave my skin with irritating itchiness,continue redness and what not. For people like me with such a sensitive skin,it is very difficult to actually choose a fabric which makes me look smart and also absorbs all the bacterias causing itchiness and leave me fresh and comfortable all time. The challenge becomes more difficult when it comes to choosing a fabric for my tough gym sessions,as the chances to get infections from many fabrics due to high amount of sweat,rises to a much higher levels. Being the one who always keeps searching for the best fabrics,have studied about many fabrics and finally came down to these two most premium fabrics,on whom I can always rely on,- The Bamboo fibre and the cotton slub fibre. Since I have been using them for a really long time,now I am assured that what does my skin needs. These fabrics have never disappointed me from what they claim.The natural antibacterial agents present in them,take care about the infections. It’s characteristics of natural absorption,keeps my always fresh and fragnant even during scorching summers.

Coming to the brands that offer these fabrics,I always had to struggle a lot to find a one who uses these original fibres and do not make any false claims,so as I was surfing on internet,I came across this brand named Gozzip which claimed to offer the T-shirts of these fibres and then what,I immediately bought them,tried them during my gym sessions and finally there was something which made me shocked and surprised both at the same time. The T-shirt that I bought from here,kept me fresh and comfortable throughout the session and after using it for more than a month,there are still no harmful effects on my skin. As a serious enthusiasm of finding the most premium fabrics,now I can definitely rely on Gozzips for offering me these two premium fabrics at my doorstep.

Ankit Raizada.

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